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Thursday, 28 July 2011


I have enjoyed playing PES 2011 quite a lot and from the comments I have received in my blog, there have been many of you that, too have enjoyed playing.

The different modes within PES 2011 allow you to try out different aspects of football. You can play different cups to compete for the ultimate trophy. You can play an ongoing league in which you choose to play as your favourite team in the hope of building it up and customizing so you can be the ultimate football team in the world season after season. And you can also play as an individual player, going from club to club until eventually you retire after hopefully winning as many trophies and medals with the club that you decide to end up with, but of curse ultimately becoming the best player in the world. There is even a mode in which you can play other players around the world and gain higher ranks within individual matches or from participating in an exciting market of players from which you can build your ultimate team.

Whatever your choice, PES 2011 does have most of what players want from a game. There are of course many problems that arose from general game play which managed to upset the many avid fans of PRO EVO, including myself. 

Computer games in themselves are just programs that have been carefully created from lines and lines of code that when finished can produce either a masterpiece of gaming software, or the worst experience you can imagine. A few bad lines of code can lead to flaws within a game, and in effect spoil the enjoyment of the user. Some gamers however manage to adapt from these flaws (or glitches as most call them), and somehow use them to cheat. This in itself does not go down well with the genuine decent players that play by the rules. 

If there is a glitch in a game, there will undoubtedly be someone that takes advantage of this. Once word spreads, there will become more and more, until the game is over run with cheating players with no sense of good sportsmanship. This of course mainly refers to the online modes of such games. When it does eventually get to this stage, the game is practically ruined and there is not really a good word said about it. The decent players leave and the only chance you would get from playing would be if you knew the glitches yourself.

An example of glitching is Call of Duty. There seem to be ways and means of hacking into the game to enable a user to unlock every weapon, perk, attachment etc. This is OK if you were playing offline, but online........COME ON PEOPLE! There is a prestige mode in which you get yourself all the way up to level 70 and once there, you start the prestige mode and do it all again from the start. This means gaining new weapons etc and working your way up. The only thing that stays the same is the call signs and emblems you have unlocked. other players can also see that you have been doing prestige mode and which level prestige you are.

OK, so this seems pointless to some, but it is a good way of keeping yourself fresh and making things harder for yourself. I myself will try and achieve as much as I can from a game but do it the honest way as I DO NOT like cheating! However, in a game on COD MW2 online, something happened in the game and it said on the screen "YOU HAVE JUST BEEN OWNED!" or something along those lines! I finished the game and found that every single one of my weapons, attachments, perks etc, had been unlocked! Now to some, this may have been great, but I wanted to unlock these myself by gaining the experience myself! I felt like I had cheated and was not happy.

I decided to enter prestige mode and start from the beginning and since then have had nothing like this happen again. But to me, everything I have unlocked is down to me playing the game and NOT CHEATING!

Back to PES 2011 though! I feel the bad coding within the game that allows the stumble animation and not being able to change to the player you want is in effect the game cheating to allow the other player/team to score a goal or take advantage of a situation. I am still sure there are ways and means of cheating within the game that will allow players to gain the edge on opponents without even trying. This takes the fun out of the game. I remember the football/soccer simulations that allowed you to control a player how you wanted to and not have the game scripted like a story.

All I can say to finish this post is..........bring on PES 2012 and lets hope its a good one!



  1. the unrivalled football experience on the Android platform! Immerse yourself in unprecedented football atmosphere and the true PES experience with PES 2011.

  2. Thanks for the comment, but I think you are more bothered about advertising your site than checking out this one.

  3. Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 is here and will take the digital soccer to the next level. Central in the heart and soul of PES 2011 is the idea of ​​free play.

  4. the unrivalled football experience on the Android platform! The unrivalled and award-winning football simulation is entering its first....

  5. For over 15 years, soccer fans have looked to Konami to deliver the most authentic soccer experience short of stepping onto the field and playing the real thing.

  6. Konami certainly do try to do this every year. The bugs of some versions tend to be an issue, but in general PES has always been at the forefront of the football sim circle.

    Thanks for the comment



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