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Saturday, 20 October 2012

PES 2013 MLO - OMG

Hey guys! Its been a bit eventful over the last couple of weeks. I feel like I have really got into my stride with PES 2013 MLO. But there have been complications! Firstly, I did have a bit of a bad run with my games (although they did improve), but the worst thing was the 2.0 update! 

On the day of the update, I was really looking forward to playing MLO. I signed in on my ps3, loaded PES 2013 and found that there was a new update. O.K, I thought, no biggie, so I went to DL the update. It seemed like it would not download. I tried to log into MLO, but because I could not DL the update, I was not at the right update to play online! So I tried again, and again, and again! Did it work? NO!

So that was where I left it. I realised I would not be playing MLO that night. The next night, I actually managed to DL the update, and log into MLO once installed! YAY! 

I think that because I was so frustrated with not being able to play online, I could not begin to regain my form. I managed to play a few games in the aftermath of the phantom PES services, but no wins for me! I was distraught! Almost to the extent of shedding a tear down my red cheeks!

Plodding along,m I then went and tried again the following night. My games seemed better, but still, I was being drawn against players with the likes of A class players! Similar level? My Arse! IT was tough to say the least, but I am a determined so and so and with try, try and try again!

So far my win to loss games are about 40 wins to 67 losses on MLO (at the time of writing this post.)

The most important part that I want to write today though, is the fact that I (against all odds), beat a very good player! 

Catch ya all soon peeps!


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