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Saturday, 3 March 2012


Welcome back to the Pro Evo Masters League! You may have been here before, or you may have stumbled across the site whilst browsing through the search engines. Whichever way you came to the site, you were probably trying to find out some info about PES (PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER). 

The ultimate goal of this site is so you can see the game from another player's point of view. There are two writers here that bring you relevant articles, ranging from tips and tricks, to the day to day playing of the game, along with the campaigns of each mode the game itself delivers. I am Pro Evo Bob and the other writer is the MidniteKid. You may have seen our youtube channels too, if not, the links are to down the left hand side of this post.

Well after introducing myself and our other great writer, I would like to take a little of your time to tell you about my current campaign with MLO. It has not been the best of times, and has been very eventful. I do not get a huge amount of time to play the game, but I try the best I can, when I can. 

After managing to grow my team to the value of around 40 million, I ended up having an extremely bad run of games. My rating plummeted from 525 and a division 3 place, down to 340 and a low div 5 position! The team was in shambles. I could not afford to buy anyone, let alone renew contracts! Selling players and resorting to a skeleton 16 player team, I did not know what to do. My only thought of the time was to quit the campaign and go back to playing offline modes. I was gutted! 

3 weeks have passed since the team crumbled and my dreams of MLO domination were shot to tatters! Well I am happy to say that I have managed to rise up and get back on track! Just today, I have managed to win 3 out of 4 games, the 4th being a draw with an extremely late goal from my opponent! The team has gone up from a lowly 12 million to a 31 million stronghold. I have a few of my favourite low priced gems back in the team, Mphela, Van De Mirch, C.Benitez to name a few.

Will the run of fortune continue, or will I end up falling to the depths of the abyss that is administration and have to declare the team bankrupt? Who knows, but all I can say is there is definitely some fight left in the old dog yet and I will continue to strive for greatness!

Here is to my success, your success and the golden fortunes that may be waiting for us all in time to come!



  1. Great article man! MLO can be incredibly difficult when you don't keep on top of your team. Red form is 80% of the battle I think. As of now I am flying it, but I have to sell 10+ players and replace them soon.

    1. I agree about having players on red form arrows, I find it really hard to win when a few are not performing and having to rely on other players to pick up the pace. I am slowly getting there, more of my players are on 20 match contracts and I should be able to have a run of about 6-8 games without having to renew contracts. This should hopefully allow me to buy some better players without selling any I have. Good to hear from you again and cheers for the comment!


Whatever your experience is with Pro Evolution Soccer, feel free to leave a message or comment here.

Don't be afraid! There are plenty of PES players that have had similar experiences and are happy to help with any questions you may have!